Autism Therapy

Communikare Services

What is Autism therapy?

Developing a support structure, empowering kids, kids, and people with autism.
Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD, is a neurological illness that can
substantially disrupt the lives of children, adults, and families. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States of America, more than 7 crores /
70 million persons worldwide have ASD.
Science has yet to discover the underlying cause or cure for Autism… Different types of
therapies, such as Occupational Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, and Autism Therapy, can aid
in empowering kids and children to participate in mainstream society. Autism Therapy
encompasses all indispensable therapy

Autism Redflags

Spectrum Disorder Autism (ASD) Red flags may include a lack of social communication,
restricted or limited play abilities, repetitive or restricted behaviour patterns, strong sensory
interests, poor eye contact, and inadequate joint attention.
When a kid does not fulfil developmental milestones in social communication, play, motor,
or self-help skills, parents may also be concerned. Regression or loss of previously acquired
skills may also serve as a red flag for parents, necessitating a developmental consultation
with our staff

Why Autism theraphy in Communikare?

Communikare Network’s Interdisciplinary Autism Team consists of Speech and Language
Pathologists, Psychologists, Behavioral Specialists, Occupational Therapists,
Physiotherapists, and Developmental Pediatricians for Children.
Early in a child’s development, many families seek out a developmental evaluation.
Concerns or red flags may have been raised by parents, family members, a doctor or
paediatrician, a daycare provider, a teacher, an early interventionist, an autism therapist, an
occupational therapist, a behaviour specialist psychologist, or another health care or
wellness expert.
Therapists at Communikare specialise in treating children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD). Our therapy philosophy is based on a collaborative approach that includes parents as
assessment and treatment partners

Autism Therapy Services

Communikare’s team includes therapists with specific training and qualifications for
children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder who are
trained, proven, and experienced. The team determines the intervention approaches
depending on the needs of the kid and family. Among the available interventions are:

  • Augmentative Communication (Proloquo2Go, LAMP, PECS)
  • Cuevas MEDEK Exercise Program
  • Feeding consultation and therapy
  • Handwriting Without Tears®
  • More Than Words (Hanen Centre)
  • Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
  • Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)
  • Parent Training Courses
  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
  • Pivotal Response Therapy (PRT)
  • PROMPT (PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)
  • Sensory-motor integration
  • Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
  • Social Skills Training including Social Thinking

The Interdisciplinary Autism Team determines intervention approaches depending on the
needs of the child and family.
Our Speech Therapists work directly with patients and their families to enhance
communication, learning, and quality of life.
The Communikare team’s autism therapy program includes a full assessment, treatment,
and consultation from experts from different fields. As needed, they can work with people
from other fields, such as Occupational Therapy, Psychological Counseling, Speech Therapy,
Behavioral Therapy, and Other Therapies.

Assessment in Autism Theraphy

Communikare Team is an expert at figuring out what kind of Autism Spectrum Disorder a
person has. Usually, for a child to start therapy, he or she will need an official evaluation,
which usually means filling out a standardised test.
The CommuniKare Autism Interdisciplinary Team does a full evaluation of Autism
Spectrum Disorder. Depending on the needs of each child, the evaluation usually takes
between 1 and 4 hours to finish.
The Interdisciplinary Autism Team will talk to you and look over the paperwork you give
them. During the session, formal and informal tasks for judging will be done. You should get
your report a few days after the evaluation.

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