Pure Tone Audiometry

Communikare Services

Pure Tone Audiometry

Pure tone audiometry (PTA) is a test designed to evaluate the air and bone hearing threshold across a spectrum of frequencies. In other terms, PTA reveals the condition of the inner ear’s cochlear auditory cells.

The purpose of the test is to identify the patient’s hearing threshold or minimum audible loudness. On the basis of the audiogram, which depicts the hearing threshold curve for air and bone conduction, the degree of hearing loss can be determined.

Pure tone hearing tests provide the finest diagnostic for your ears.

As its name implies, a pure tone hearing test employs pure tones to evaluate if a person can perceive all audible frequencies.

This sort of hearing exam is categorized as a subjective test and is conducted using an audiometer.

The audiometer records the results in an audiogram and reveals whether your hearing is impaired due to sound transmission in the middle ear (conductive hearing loss) or damage in the inner ear (sensorineural hearing loss), allowing the specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment for the issue.

Types of Pure Tone Audiometry Testing

Hearing threshold tests

These determine the subject’s ability to identify sounds at a particular frequency or level. Using headphones, the auditory or hearing threshold is determined, which is determined by the final sound the patient hears and consequently indicates their minimum hearing level.

Pure Tone Tests of high-frequency (supraliminal)

These are utilized to assess the subject’s hearing fatigue and any abnormalities or impairments above their hearing threshold. The test is conducted with three primary characteristics in mind: intensity, frequency, and duration.

Typically, these hearing assessments are administered in a testing booth or acoustic chamber lined with sound-absorbing materials that limit noise reflection and standing waves.

Hearing Loss or impairment Classified in Pure Tone Audiometry Testing

Hearing thresholds in pure tone audiometry are given in decibels of hearing loss (dB of HL) and compared to the average hearing threshold (0 dB). Various degrees of hearing loss or impairment are categorized as follows:

  • The normal hearing threshold is less than 20 dB HL.
  • Mild hearing impairment: 20 to 40 dB HL.
  • Moderate: 40 -70 dB HL.
  • Severe: 70 -90 dB HL.
  • Strong: 90 to 120 dB HL
  • Kyphosis or complete deafness (anacusis): more than 120 dB HL.

Necessary of pure tone hearing test

If you notice any form of hearing loss, you must contact a doctor immediately. We recommend requesting a pure tone hearing test at the following ages:

  • Possible deafness: Hearing loss is a common problem, so if you notice any signs or have trouble with your hearing, you should have it tested as soon as possible to prevent further damage and determine the best treatment for you.
  • Everyone over the age of 60 should get a hearing test every three years to detect any age-related hearing loss (presbycusis).
  • Certain high-risk disorders: Certain diseases, such as meningitis, depression, and other serious illnesses, can cause hearing loss, and you should always get your hearing evaluated after recovering.
  • Annual health assessment: while employees are permitted to decline this examination that employers are required to provide, it may be valuable for spotting potential hearing problems.

Pure Tone Audiometry in Children

  • Due to the need for the patient’s participation with the audiologist or hearing care specialist, PTA is only conducted on children over the age of six. 
  • Other pediatric tests are administered to younger children based on their developmental age.
  • In children older than 6 years, audiometric tests are diagnostic in the event of a suspicion of hearing impairments, concentration and auditory attention difficulties, speech therapy, as well as for control following infection or inflammation of the outer or middle ear and the diagnosis of the third adenoid.

An audiogram, which is a curve of hearing threshold that accounts for both air and bone conduction, is the document that indicates the results of a pure tone audiometry test. The diagnostic process begins and ends with the audiogram.

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