
Communikare Services


Stuttering is a speech disorder characterised by the repetition of sounds, syllables, or words,
the prolonging of sounds, and speech blocks. A person who stutters knows exactly what he
or she wants to say, but has difficulty producing a normal flow of speech. These
interruptions in speech may be accompanied by struggling behaviours, such as rapid eye
blinking or lip trembling. Stuttering can make it difficult to communicate with others, which
can have a negative impact on an individual’s quality of life and interpersonal connections.
Additionally, stuttering can significantly impact job performance and possibilities, and
treatment can be expensive. Stuttering is also known as stammering and, more generally,
disfluent speech.

Symptoms of Stuttering

  • Typically, the first symptoms of stuttering develop between 18 and 24 months of age.
    This is when kids begin to construct sentences and their vocabulary really begins to
    develop. At this age, it is typical for children to experience some stuttering.
  • Your youngster may experience stuttering for several weeks or months. The
    stuttering may be intermittent. The majority of youngsters stop stuttering by the age
    of five. For some, though, stuttering occurs frequently. It may continue to deteriorate.
    It may also be accompanied by bodily or facial motions. There may be a need for
    treatment for these children.
  • Stuttering is evident in the speaking flow of a person. For instance, the word “where”
    can sound like “W… w… w… where.” For those who stammer, words beginning with
    the letters “k,” “g,” and “t” may contain problematic initial sounds.
  • Another symptom of stuttering is the protracted pronunciation of a word, as in “My
    grandmother gave me a biscuit.” Repetition of complete phrases or words is an
    additional symptom of stuttering. For instance, you may hear the speaker begin with
    a pleasant introduction and then repeat the final few words: “I can play with you, but
    I have to check… I must check… I must first consult with my parents.”
  • You may also observe physical symptoms associated with stuttering. These include
    the head and eyes rolling backwards as the individual struggles to speak. In addition,
    they involve rapid eye blinking and tightness of the muscles surrounding the lips.
  • Stuttering may worsen in specific social situations. For instance, speaking in front of
    a group or using the telephone may exacerbate it. Some actions can improve the
    situation. These include singing, reading, and speaking with others in unison.

Causes of Stuttering

Typically, stuttering begins between the ages of 2 and 6 years old. Numerous children
experience typical phases of disfluency that last shorter than six months. A
prolonged duration of stuttering may require therapy.
There is no single reason for stuttering. Possible causes include those listed below:

  • Family ancestry: Many individuals who stammer have a family member who
    stutters as well.
  • Brain variations: Individuals who stammer may have subtle changes in the way
    their brains function during speech.

You cannot predict with certainty which children will continue to stutter, but the following
variables may put them at risk:

  • Gender: Boys are more likely than girls to continue to stutter. Currently, data are
    restricted to those who self-identify as male or female.
  • Beginning stuttering age: Children who begin to stutter after age 3.5 are more likely
    to continue to stutter.
  • Family rehabilitation patterns: Children with a family history of stuttering are more
    prone to stutter themselves.

Approximately 3 million Indians stutter. Stuttering impacts individuals of all ages. It is
especially prevalent in youngsters between the ages of 2 and 6 as their verbal skills grow.
Approximately 5 to 10 percent of children will stammer for a few weeks to several years at
some point in their lives. Boys are two to three times more likely to stammer than girls, and
this disparity rises with age; the number of boys who continue to stutter is three to four
times more than that of girls. The majority of kids outgrow stuttering. Approximately
seventy-five percent of children overcome their stuttering. Stuttering can be a lifelong
communication impairment for the remaining 25% of individuals who continue to stutter

Diagnosis of Stuttering

  • Typically, parents, teachers, and family members are the first to recognize a child’s
  • Even at the age of two, if your child stutters, you should inform your doctor. Local
    community-based early intervention services may be recommended by your
  • Additionally, they may recommend you to a speech-language pathologist. This is a
    specialist in voice, speech, and language issues.
  • When diagnosing your child, the speech-language pathologist will evaluate
    numerous criteria.
  • They will inquire about your child’s past, stuttering behaviours, and the impact of
    stuttering on their life. They will also attempt to identify whether your youngster
    will outgrow his or her stuttering.
  • To do so, they will analyze your child’s family history, the duration of the stuttering,
    and the presence of additional speech or language issues

Types of Stuttering

The most prevalent classifications for stuttering are developmental and neurogenic.

Developmental stuttering

  • Young children with developmental stuttering are still gaining speech and language
    abilities. This is the most prevalent type of stuttering.
  • Some scientists and clinicians believe that developmental stuttering happens when a
    child’s speech and language skills cannot match his or her verbal demands.
  • The majority of scientists and clinicians believe developmental stuttering is the result
    of intricate interactions between various causes.
  • Recent brain imaging investigations have revealed consistent differences between
    those who stammer and those who do not.
  • Developmental stuttering may also run in families, and genetic factors contribute to
    this type of stuttering, according to study.

Neurogenic stuttering

  • After a stroke, head injury, or another form of brain damage, neurogenic stuttering may
  • With neurogenic stuttering, the brain has trouble coordinating the many brain
    regions involved in speech, resulting in difficulties producing clear, fluent speech.
  • Once upon a time, it was believed that all stuttering was psychogenic and caused by
    emotional trauma, but we now know that psychogenic stuttering is uncommon.

Prevention of Stuttering

Because no one knows what causes stuttering, there is no way to stop or prevent it from
happening. An early intervention is beneficial. If you suspect or observe that your child may
have a stuttering problem, you should not overlook the issue.

Treatment for Stuttering

There is presently no cure for stuttering, however there are a number of possible therapies.
Depending on a person’s age, communication objectives, and other considerations, the form
of the treatment will vary. It is vital to work with a speech-language pathologist to establish
the most effective treatment if you or your child stutters.

Therapy for Children

Early intervention may prevent developmental stuttering from becoming a lifetime issue in
very young children. Children can learn to enhance their speech fluency while establishing
positive attitudes toward communication through the use of certain tactics. If a kid has been
stuttering for three to six months, displays struggling behaviors linked with stuttering, or
has a family history of stuttering or similar communication difficulties, health providers
typically urge an evaluation. Some researchers recommend evaluating a child’s stuttering
every three months to assess whether it is worsening or improving. Frequently, treatment
entails educating parents on how to encourage their child’s speech output. Parents could be
urged to:

  • Offer the child numerous opportunities to talk in a relaxed environment at home. This
    includes setting aside time for conversation, particularly when the child is animated
    and has plenty to say.
  • Focus on the content of the message when the child talks, rather than responding to
    how it is expressed or interrupting the youngster.
  • Speak in a calm and slightly slower style. This may alleviate any time constraints the
    youngster may be feeling.
  • When the youngster speaks, pay close attention and wait for him or her to say the
    correct word. Do not attempt to finish the child’s sentences. Also, teach the child that
    successful communication is possible even when stuttering occurs.

Stuttering therapy

  • Many of the current therapies for adolescents and adults who stammer focus on
    teaching them how to decrease stuttering when speaking, such as by speaking more
    slowly, managing their breathing, or advancing progressively from single-syllable
    responses to larger words and more complicated sentences.
  • The majority of these therapies also address the anxiety a person with stuttering may
    experience in specific speaking settings.


  • The Food and Drug Administration of U.S. has not approved any medications for the
    treatment of stuttering.
  • However, stuttering has been treated with medications that are approved to treat
    other health conditions, such as epilepsy, anxiety, and depression. These medications
    frequently have side effects that make their long-term use challenging.

Electronic devices

  • Some individuals who stammer utilize electrical devices to manage their speech.
  • One sort of gadget, similar to a hearing aid, inserts into the ear canal and digitally
    replays a slightly altered version of the wearer’s speech into the ear, making it sound
    as though he or she is speaking in harmony with another person.
  • In some individuals, technological devices may facilitate rapid improvement in
  • Additional research is required to discover how long these benefits may endure and
    whether these devices can be used and benefited from in real-world settings.
  • For these reasons, researchers continue to investigate the durability of these devices.

Helping groups

  • Numerous individuals find that a mix of self-study and therapy yields the best level
    of accomplishment. People who stammer can discover tools and support through
    self-help groups as they tackle the problems of stuttering.
  • Discuss stuttering with the child freely and honestly if he or she brings it up. Inform
    the youngster that it is acceptable for certain disruptions to occur

Therapy for adolescents and adults who stutter

  • For adolescents and adults, treatment focuses on stuttering management. An SLP will
    help them feel less anxious and communicate more freely in school, the workplace,
    and social settings.
  • The SLP will also assist the individual in confronting speaking situations that induce
    fear or anxiety. This may involve making a telephone call or placing a restaurant
  • Some people who began stuttering as children may occasionally need to see an SLP.
    The SLP will discuss how stuttering impacts the individual’s day-to-day life and
    assist the individual practise stuttering management techniques.
  • Children and adults who stammer may wish to investigate local support groups
    where they can converse with others who stutter and discover other useful resources.
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