
Communikare Services


Dyslexia is a learning disorder that makes it hard to read, spell, write, or even talk. Children
with dyslexia are usually smart and hardworking, but they have trouble putting the sounds
that letters make with the letters they see.
A person with a learning disability has difficulty with word or numerical processing.
Multiple types of learning difficulties exist. People with dyslexia have difficulty learning to
read despite their intelligence and want to study.
Five to ten percent of Indians have some dyslexia symptoms, such as delayed reading,
spelling difficulties, or word confusion. This disorder can also manifest in adults. Some
people are diagnosed at an early age. Others do not identify dyslexia till later in life.
Frequently, children with dyslexia have normal vision and intelligence comparable to that of
their peers. However, they struggle harder in school due to their reading difficulties.
Additionally, problems with word processing might make it challenging to spell, write, and
express correctly

Diagnosis of Dyslexia

Children and young adults are more likely to obtain a diagnosis of dyslexia. Adults
diagnosed with this illness have typically had it their entire lives. However, brain damage
can cause dyslexia to develop in a person.
If a parent, guardian, or educator feels a child has dyslexia, they should request a
professional assessment. The institution may be able to assist. Early detection is more likely
to result in effective treatment.
Receiving a dyslexia diagnosis may allow the kid or adolescent to receive greater assistance.
They might qualify for special education services, support programs, and college and
university services.

According to the International Dyslexia Association, diagnostic examinations often include
the following:

  • Background information including family history and early cognitive development
    spoken language skills
  • Word recognition
  • Fluency abilities
  • Reading comprehension
  • Vocabulary knowledge decoding
  • The capacity to read new words based on letter-sound knowledge of phonological
  • Process of word sound in the brain
  • During the evaluation, the examiner will attempt to rule out alternative illnesses that may
    produce comparable symptoms.
  • Vision issues
  • Hearing disability
  • Alack of education and social and economic reasons are examples.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

People can exhibit dyslexia symptoms at any age, but they typically manifest during
childhood. Dyslexia can cause difficulties with:

Obtaining development milestones

Children with dyslexia may acquire skills such as crawling, walking, talking, and bicycle
riding later than their classmates

Mastering to speak

A youngster with dyslexia may require more time to acquire speech. They may also
mispronounce words, find rhyming difficult, and appear incapable of differentiating
between word sounds.

Studying to read

This issue can manifest as early as preschool. It may be difficult for a kid to correlate letters
to sounds, and they may struggle to recognise the sounds in words.
Symptoms of dyslexia might also emerge when children acquire more complicated skills. For
instance, the disorder can create trouble with Grammar, reading comprehension, reading
fluency, and in-depth writing.
Caregivers and teachers may observe a youngster’s reluctance to read; the child may avoid
reading-required situations.

The process of learning to write

On paper, a person with dyslexia may inadvertently reverse numerals and letters. In
addition, some children with dyslexia do not follow normal learning progression patterns.
For instance, kids may learn how to spell a word yet forget it the following day

Analysing noises

If a word has more than two syllables, it can be difficult to absorb the sounds. A person with
dyslexia may be able to interpret the sounds “un” and “ly” in the word “sadly,” but not those
in between.

Groups of data

It may take children with dyslexia longer to learn the alphabet’s letters and how to
pronounce them. In addition, they may have difficulty recalling the days of the week,
months of the year, colours, and some multiplication tables.


A dyslexic individual may have worse coordination than their counterparts. For instance,
kids may have difficulty catching a ball and may mistake left with right.
In addition to being a symptom of dyspraxia, impaired hand-eye coordination can also be a
sign of other related neurological disorders.


People with dyslexia frequently struggle with concentration. This may be because, after
attempting to read or write for a few minutes, kids become mentally weary.
Additionally, a greater proportion of children with dyslexia have attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder than the overall population (ADHD).
According to some estimates, 30 percent of persons with dyslexia also have ADHD,
compared to 3 to 5 percent of the general school population.

The succession of ideas

A person with dyslexia may convey their thoughts in a manner that appears irrational or
disconnected to their peers.

Autoimmune conditions

Autoimmune disorders such as seasonal allergies, asthma, and eczema are more prevalent in
individuals with dyslexia

Dealing with dyslexia

There is no cure for dyslexia, but a variety of strategies can make daily chores significantly
Dyslexia affects each individual differently, and the majority of dyslexics adapt to their
learning disabilities and prosper.
Receiving an early diagnosis and support can have long-term advantages. The treatment of
dyslexia in children may include:

  • An examination of a kid’s particular needs enables educators to build a specialized
    program for the child.
  • Adapted learning tools: Children with dyslexia may benefit from tools that engage
    their senses, such as touch, sight, and sound.
  • Counseling can assist in mitigating any negative impacts on self-esteem. Other sorts
    of assistance may include, for instance, extra time on tests.
  • Adults with dyslexia may benefit from assistance in establishing evolving coping
    mechanisms and identifying areas where they may benefit from more support, as
    determined by an ongoing review.

It can also assist in adapting to any working or learning environment. Here are some
homework station options.
The Communikare Therapy Centre provides study recommendations for dyslexic students.
They consist of:

  • Utilizing time management techniques such as dividing work into smaller chunks
    and creating an outline before beginning a task with the aid of flash cards and SMS
  • To-voice technology utilizing highlighters or color coding to visually organize notes
  • Coding system operating in a peaceful, clean environment — with earplugs or
    noise-cancelling headphones.
  • Cancelling headphones if necessary, and minimizing distractions

Types of Dyslexia

There are currently no formal diagnostic “types” of dyslexia; nevertheless, experts are
examining the clusters of symptoms experienced by some individuals.
Overall, knowing a person’s unique obstacles can help them receive the appropriate
assistance. Some people experience:

Phonological dyslexia

Also known as dysphonetic or auditory dyslexia, phonological dyslexia is characterised by
difficulties breaking down words into smaller pieces, making it difficult to connect sounds
with their written form.

Surface dyslexia

Also known as dyseidetic or visual dyslexia, surface dyslexia is the inability to recognise
words by sight, making it difficult to acquire and recall words.
Rapid naming deficiency is the inability to recognise a letter or number immediately it is

Double deficit dyslexia

Double deficit dyslexia is characterised by difficulties isolating letter and numerical sounds.
People sometimes use the term “directional dyslexia” to refer to the inability to distinguish
left from right. This is a typical symptom of the illness.

Alongside dyslexia

This issue can manifest as early as preschool. IIf a person has trouble with numbers and math, the medical word for this condition is
dyscalculia. It sometimes arises independently or alongside dyslexia. 


Dyslexia creates difficult in reading and writing. Although there is no cure for dyslexia, there
are numerous ways and technologies that can help make ordinary tasks easier.
Individuals with dyslexia experience the condition differently, but with the proper help, they
can achieve the same level of success as those without the problem. Here you can read about
some of The Communikare Therapy Center for Dyslexia and Creativity’s personal success

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