Aided Audiogram

Communikare Services

Aided Audiogram

As a technique of establishing the audibility of test sounds at various frequencies, an
audiogram may include thresholds for the aided audiogram. This testing may be performed
as part of guidance counselling for the purposes of validating the programmed amplification
of a bone conduction aid or cochlear implant, validating that frequency lowering is effective
in a hearing aid, and assessing functional gain when real ear microphone measurements
cannot be obtained.
The method of evaluation known as Aided Cortical Testing is still in its infancy and requires
a great deal of expertise. It is still in the process of being developed as a clinical test, and
most hearing centres do not have the necessary equipment. It can be utilised in situations
where youngsters do not have access to other methods that can provide a reliable
evaluation. During the procedure, electrodes, which are little metal discs, are affixed to the
child’s skull, and speech sounds are played through a speaker at predetermined volumes.
These sounds cause an increase in electrical activity in the brain, and the electrodes are
attempting to pick up on this activity. This is a specific kind of EEG. This allows us to assess
whether or not the sound is being picked up, and it may also inform us how to calibrate a
hearing aid so that it works properly even for a newborn who is very young.
After adjusting the hearing aids to achieve the greatest possible match to the amplification
goals, the audiologist continues to monitor and analyse the fitting to see if specific aspects
require further fine-tuning. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways:

Requesting the child's viewpoint

This has clear restrictions for infants and young children with weak speech and language
skills. Even if a youngster is able to communicate with the audiologist about the sound of
their hearing aids, it can be very difficult to comprehend their comments and identify what
adjustments should be made. However, criticism from a child regarding the sound quality of
their hearing aid is always taken carefully

Identical comparison

This technique is available at selective hearing Centres like Communikare Hearing aid
Center for children over six years old with severe and profound hearing loss. The child is
needed to watch a video recording of a simple story. They are tasked with comparing several
speech amplification techniques and identifying the one that sounds the best. Adjustments
can be made to the hearing aids if the youngster prefers a different setting than what is

Asking the opinion of the parent and teacher

It is essential to collect information from parents and instructors to comprehend how a
youngster hears and functions in the actual world. This input is especially useful for
determining whether the hearing aid is set at a comfortable volume and how well the
youngster accepts and utilises the aids. The data may be acquired through official surveys or
through interviews with the parent or teacher. If behavioural test information is lacking,
parent and teacher observations contribute to a more complete picture of the child’s hearing
An audiogram not only depicts the degree to which your hearing has deteriorated, but it can
also indicate how well your hearing is functioning while you are using hearing aids. “Aided
thresholds” are a term used to describe the levels of hearing that can be attained by someone
who wears hearing aids, has cochlear implants, or has bone conducting hearing implants.
The term ‘functional benefit’ may also be used to refer to them on occasion. This question
asks, while you are wearing your hearing aids, what the faintest noises are that you are able
to pick up on.

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